
$esORB is the main incentive token for Orby users, and is given out to 1) Stability Pool LPs, and 2) Vault stakers. $esORB is revenue sharing, but non-tradable and non-transferable.

$esORB is pegged 1:1 with the price of $ORB. It can be redeemed for $ORB, but the conversion process takes 90 days.

$esORB utility

You can deposit your $esORB in the Vault to enjoy the following rewards:

  1. $esORB rewards

  2. Share of protocol revenue in $USC and $cdcETH

  3. Stability fuel - a boost on your $esORB rewards if the user is a Stability Pool depositor

Convert $esORB to $ORB - 90 day waiting period

Holders can convert their $esORB 1:1 to $ORB. Those that wish to convert their $esORB will have to wait 90-days for the conversion to be completed.

During this 90 day period:

  1. The $esORB will not earn any rewards

  2. The conversion is not reversible

Obtain $esORB via 2 methods

  1. Deposit $USC in the Stability Pool

  2. Deposit $esORB and/or $ORB into the Vault

Last updated