How to stake $esORB/$ORB

Deposit esORB or OBR to the Vault

  1. Head to the Earn page and click the “Use $esORB” or “Use $ORB” tab.

  1. Click on the “Deposit” tab.

  1. Input the amount of $esORB or $ORB you want to deposit from your wallet

  2. Once you have carefully reviewed the details, click on “Deposit esORB” or “Deposit ORB” and sign the transaction in your wallet.

Note: Stability Fuel ranges from 1 - 1.9x. This number is a multiplier that represents how much your $esORB emissions from the Stability Pool are expected to increase. More information available here.

Withdraw esORB or OBR from the Vault

  1. Head to the Earn page and click the “Use esORB” tab or “Use $ORB” tab.

  1. Click on the“Withdraw” tab.

  1. Input the amount of $esORB or $ORB you want to withdraw.

  2. Once you have carefully reviewed the details, click on “Withdraw esORB” or “Withdraw ORB” and sign the transaction in your wallet.

Convert esORB to ORB

Note: This tab is only used if you 1) currently hold $esORB in your wallet and 2) want to directly convert it to $ORB without earning any protocol revenue

  1. Head to the Earn page and click the “Use $esORB” tab.

  1. Click on the“Convert” tab.

  1. Input the amount of $esORB you want to convert to $ORB.

Note: It takes about 90 days to convert your $esORB to $ORB. After the 90-day cool down period, your $esORB will be claimable to your wallet as $ORB.

The conversion process is not reversible.

  1. Once you have carefully reviewed the details, click on “Convert” and sign the transaction in your wallet.

Last updated