Understanding Liquidations vs Redemptions vs Repayment

What happens during a liquidation?

  1. Your shuttle will be closed

  2. You lose your 20 $USC Liquidation Reserve deposit (this is sent to liquidator)

  3. Lose all your collateral (assuming Orby is in Normal Mode)

  4. You get to keep your borrowed $USC

What happens during a redemption?

If your shuttle was fully redeemed against:

  1. Your shuttle will be closed

  2. You are not required to pay the 20 $USC Liquidation Reserve deposit (this will be burnt)

  3. You lose some of your collateral (redemption rate = 1 USC for $1 worth of collateral)

  4. You get to keep your borrowed $USC

If your shuttle was partially redeemed against:

  1. Your shuttle will remain open/active and functions as per normal

  2. You lose some of your collateral (redemption rate = 1 USC for $1 worth of collateral)

  3. Some of your $USC debt would have been repaid by redeemer (amount determined by redemption rate)

  4. You get to keep your borrowed $USC

What happens during a repayment?

If you fully repaid your $USC debt:

  1. Repay required borrowed $USC + borrowing fee

  2. Your shuttle will be closed

  3. You are not required to pay the 20 $USC Liquidation Reserve deposit (this will be burnt)

  4. You can withdraw all your deposited collateral

If you partially repaid your $USC debt:

  1. Repay required borrowed $USC

  2. Your shuttle will remain open/active and functions as per normal

  3. You can withdraw some of your deposited collateral (up to the minimum collateral ratio)

Last updated