*ORB is not yet in circulation

$ORB is one of the native tokens of Orby Network.

  • Ticker: $ORB

  • Total Supply: 1,000,000,000


Airdrop Campaign— 50,000,000 $ORB [5%]

  • To be allocated across multiple seasons

  • Given only to eligible participants of the Orby Airdrop Campaign

Community Incentives — 450,000,000 $ORB [20%]

  • For community members to incentivise liquidity provision and staking on Orby (e.g. Stability Pool, Vault, Stability Fuel)

Team — 100,000,000 $ORB [10%]

  • To incentivise Orby’s current & future team members

Marketing & Partnerships — 200,000,000 $ORB [20%]

  • For future marketing and community initiatives

Ecosystem Reserve — 200,000,000 $ORB [20%]

  • For network security and maintenance requirements

Liquidity Management— 250,000,000 $ORB [25%]

  • To incentivise and deepen liquidity for $ORB and/or $USC on DEXes or other external protocols

$ORB utility

You can deposit your $ORB in the Vault to enjoy the following rewards:

  1. $esORB rewards

  2. Share of protocol revenue in $USC and $cdcETH

  3. Stability fuel - a boost on your $esORB rewards if the user is a Stability Pool depositor

Obtain $ORB via 3 methods

  1. Buy on open market (i.e. on VVS)

  2. Convert your $esORB to $ORB (the conversion will take a total of 90 days to complete)

Last updated