What is Orby?

Welcome to Orby Network, Cronos’ first native stablecoin lending protocol! Imagine a platform that allows you to access liquidity without worrying about incurring high or unpredictable interest costs, all while preserving and growing your deposited assets. Orby Network is designed to make lending on DeFi easy, safe, and accessible.

Orby enables the borrowing of $USC, a decentralized, overcollateralized stablecoin.

How Orby Works:

  • Supply collateral to mint (borrow) $USC

    • Currently Orby only supports $CDCETH as collateral

  • Borrow $USC with NO interest, at a low minimum collateral ratio of 135%

  • Earn rewards from:

  • Redeem USD 1 worth of collateral for 1 $USC at any time

Last updated